Regulatory & Engineering

Regulatory & Engineering Resources

Find links to government organizations and technical bodies we rely on.

Regulatory & Engineering Resources - Articles

Responsible for floor area calculations using BOMA standards, method SIOR 2004, for use in architectural plans & lease agreements.
Property Management
Domodedovo City & District Authority
Regulates & supports economic activity within this micro-region that buffers Moscow region.
Design and Construction
Moscow Regional Government
Regulates & supports economic activity across the region. Enacts & oversees Federal/Regional laws & policies.
Design and Construction
Russian State Services
Vestnik GosReg Magazine

Public listing of intentions of companies to take legal actions that require public notification of interested parties, and information on state actions by tax authorities..

Kommersant Newspaper
Listings of official information on corporate bankruptcies and revocations of powers of attorney.
Federal Arbitration Courts of the Russian Federation
Responsible for dispute resolution.
Consultant Plus
A subscription service facilitating access to the latest databases on federal, regional and international legislation. Advisory materials cover accountancy, taxation, court practice, etc. The service provides thousands of transactional forms, including business forms, real estate forms, trust deeds, wills and many more.
Federal Tax Inspection Office
Responsible for assessments, inspections and VAT recovery.
Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastral Records and Cartography
Responsible for state registration of rights to immovable property and transactions, and state cadastral registration of immovable property.